Friday, June 21, 2013

My final blog. -Nicole Luce

The Experience tour this year has been such a blast. The unique part of this tour has been how we've been in areas that are pretty close to each other, so we have been able to travel less and explore the area more. I never thought I would say this but Ohio is such a cool state! It's beautiful here, and people are really nice and willing to help us.
This morning, the lady who hosted us asked us what word we would choose to describe this tour. My word was emotional. This trip has been so much more than I thought it would have been, and so much more fulfilling. There has been low drama around me, I've had some friends become closer, and I've created some new friends this year that I couldn't replace. The entire tour, to which many people can confirm, I have been sentimental towards everything that's happening. Going on this tour has made me realize just how close the real world is becoming. In less than two months, I'll be going off to college and leaving everything I know behind. I'll be making new friends, living with a stranger for a year, and my whole world will be changing. The great part about this is how I know that I will always have my Experience family to come back to. No matter how much we get sick of each other over tour, or how annoyed we get with some people, it was always such a relief to come back to Experience every fall and every spring semester. There is definitely something for everyone here, and it's incredible how we can all bond over God in such a way that these friends will be ones I have forever. The people here are all wonderful in some way or another; everyone has made an impact on me in some way. I love looking back on all the cool places I've been and how I'm able to say that I went to some awesome places with 80 of my best friends.
Every year, Mark tells the same story about how during my freshman year a couple of girls were so mean to me that I almost didn't come back. This isn't a story that I like to tell or talk about at all. But I can tell you with absolute certainty in my heart that this is 100% not the way of the group. Sure, there is always going to be drama during tour week, but it hardly ever seems to last more than that week. I couldn't find a better group of people anywhere. Parents, you have definitely raised your kids right. I can hear the way that our hosts talk about us whenever we offer to set up, clean up, or just ask if anyone needs help. These little things make all the difference.
Looking all the way back to freshman year, we went to Tennessee and Missouri and I can tell you honestly that I didn't expect much from that trip. I only came back to the Experience that spring because of a couple of friends asking me to go, and my mother telling me how she thought it would be a good idea. The very first day of that tour was the beginning of a change in my life. The feelings that you get on this tour and the relationships you form are indescribable to anyone outside the church. The New York tour my sophomore year was definitely my favorite tour that I went on, even through all the long driving. Last year was the first year that my brother and I went on tour together, and that was so special to me. That was when my brother was finally able to understand what I have been telling him and trying to explain. Having him with me on tour has made such a difference in our relationship. Every Wednesday, we drive the 25 minutes to church and we just dance and sing in the car together, and then again on the way home. We hang out with each others friends, especially because of the friends we've made at Experience. I can't explain what a blessing it has been to have my brother on tour with me, and what an amazing friend and person he is. On this tour, every time he goes up to sing I light up with pride.
There is so much I wish I could say. I can't express in words the pride I have in saying that I am involved in this group. I have 6 pieces of advice to underclassmen:
1. These four years are in fact so much more special than they seem, and they go faster than you realize. Treasure every happy moment, every sad moment, every fight, every laugh, every tear, every kiss, every friend you have. You never know where the future leads, but now is for certain.
2. Do something that will change you into a better person. Get involved in school, find a place where you can establish leadership. That is honestly the most fun I had in high school.
3. Yes, every grade counts. I was blessed in that I had good grades in high school, but it was largely attributed to hard work. That takes you so far in life. I was able to get into the school of my dreams because of this. However, don't let one test bring you down. Second chances are always around the corner.
4. Related to 3, study hard, but play harder. Like I said, these are your best years. Do something crazy (but not to crazy!) that makes you laugh. Make good friends best friends. Actually go outside! Shockingly, it's a really fun place to be!
5. Believe in yourself. Yes, I know this is cliché, but the best thing you can do for yourself is believe. When you have confidence, you have happiness. High school is where you begin to discover who you really are, and I promise you, you are a fantastic person.
6. Believe it or not, your parents are typically right. I know, Mom, I never thought I would say it either! However, when you need advice, your parents are right 99% of the time. I'm serious when I say become best friends with your parents. They are such an awesome part of your life.

My last little paragraph is just to say thank you to my parents. I love you so so much, and I would never have become the person I am without your guidance and love in my life. Thank you for teaching me the ways of the Lord and how to be a genuine person, and thank you for always caring about me, even when I didn't want to agree. I will always be your little girl, no matter how old I get. I love you both.

Nicole Luce

1 comment:

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