Monday, June 17, 2013

Zoo day and retirement homes! -Nicole Luce

Today we went to the Columbus Zoo. Surprisingly, there weren't any giraffes (WHAT) but they had a totally awesome aquarium! We all ran around taking pictures and looking at the baby gorilla which was ADORABLE! The best part of the day, however, was singing at the retirement home. There were so many residents who were incredibly excited about us being there. One of the residents was 102 years old! However, he didnt particularly like the show too much and left a few songs in, but he was adorable! We were performing outside too, which was so so hot. We consistently were passing mini water bottles to each other and they let us perform in our shorts. Afterwards, we went and talked to the residents. I ended up talking to this one man for a long time, he was fascinating. For those of you who don't know, I am super proud to be going to NC State in the fall and this man had children who live in and around Raleigh, and I believe a couple of his kids went to State too! Talking with him made me realize how fast life really goes. One day you're in kindergarten, the next you've graduated high school, the next you're raising a family of your own, and then your own children are off in the world. The man I talked to was probably one of the happiest men I have ever met. He talked about the world as if nothing bad could ever affect him. He told me the story about how he lost one of his children a few years ago due to a heart attack, but he knows that child is now safe and better off than he ever could have imagined. He inspired me to live each day as if nothing could bring me down. That is what this tour is about. We're going out into the world to Tell The Story of how God loves us so much that nothing can ever take that away. Happiness is always right around the corner, and God is pointing you straight to it. I'm so thankful to have everything I have, and I praise God for giving me such an incredible church to go to where I can share my feelings and passions this way.
God bless all you parents who let your children go on tour, I believe it is truly one of the best decisions that you could have made for your child.

1 comment:

  1. This post was written by Nicole Luce. Great job sharing your thoughts about the tour. You were awesome at the retirement home! Ms.C
